Did you know that we are generally in a hypnotic state 85% of the day? Hypnotherapy taps into this natural state, to guide you in uncovering the reasons behind behaviours you wish to change.
Through this exploration, I can then facilitate positive changes with the support of your subconscious mind, which helps accelerate the desired result.
My general approach involves a comprehensive five - session process, combining in person sessions with recorded therapy to ensure effective and lasting results.
The first session is usually the longest and ranges from 1 ½ - 2 hours. This is where we get to know each other, discuss what you wish to achieve and you experience hypnosis perhaps for the first time.
The second to fourth sessions will range from 1 – 11/2 hours and will aim to reinforce the change in behaviour that you require. The fifth session is held after a four-week break this is to consolidate the change and ensure that it continues.
Please contact me to discuss your needs or to book in for an appointment.

Weight Management
Hypnotherapy can help you change the way you think and act around food. We can work together to understand what is causing you to overeat and determine how to break this habit.

Smoking Cessation
It can be very difficult to give up smoking, especially if it has been a long-time habit. Through hypnosis we can work to remove the negative behaviour by introducing new positive actions.
Stress & Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety are becoming more and more common in the hectic lives that we all lead. Hypnotherapy can help improve your stress and anxious moments by looking at what triggers you to be stressed or anxious and to find ways to manage these situations and build confidence at the same time.

There are times in all our lives when we could do with a good dose of confidence, be it at work, out in a social situation, taking a test or just daily life. Well hypnotherapy can help to provide you with tools and techniques to guide you to be more and feel more confident in any situation.

Phobias are the most extreme form of fear and can be debilitating. I can work with you using a Hypnotherapy technique called “Taking Control”. This is a technique that you can learn and use at any time when you feel anxious or stressed. We will work together to understand where the fear came from and how to overcome it.
Habits & Addictions

Do you have a habit or addiction that you want to break? By working with your subconscious mind, we can work together to understand what this habit/addiction is doing for you and what you need to do to make a change.

It has been proven that using hypnotherapy techniques during childbirth can shorten labour, reduce pain and reduce the need for intervention. It can also result in relaxed and calm babies. In three session we can learn about hypnosis and what it feels like to by hypnotised, learn how to carry our self-hypnosis for the big day and how to manage the situation using positive suggestion.

Self-Hypnosis can be beneficial in so many ways from improving sporting performance, helping with sleep, relaxation, dealing with anger, public speaking, driving test nerves and many, many more. Using hypnotherapy, we can work together to provide you with a tool that you can use at any time and see yourself achieving your goal. Practising this will ensure that when the time comes you are relaxed calm and in control.
Hypnotherapy By Hilary – Based in Totton covering the whole of the New Forest, Southampton, Hampshire
The first session is £55.00 followed by four sessions at £50.00.
These can be paid on the day of treatment.
Please give me 48 hours notice of any cancellation.
Smoking Cessation is managed in a two session visit and is priced at £150
Please contact me to discuss your needs or to book in for an appointment.

32C New Forest Enterprise Centre
Chapel Lane
SO40 9LA
Home visits possible if required